I am a “Bodyrocker” and one of the big reasons I created this blog was to create a place to connect and share with other moms, record results and experiences for our daily workouts.
Here is the Bodyrock link. Once you get to the site click on “Home workouts”, and then go into “All Workouts” and click on the post that is 3 days behind. I workout 3 days behind the Bodyrock posts so I don’t have to worry about when they are going to updated it for each day. Each morning I will post my results for the workout of that day and I hope the rest of you will join me. If you would like to have that extra push and accountability, click the link to follow the Memom Body-n-mind blog and each week the daily posting will be reviewed. If there is anyone who needs some extra motivation an email with some words of encouragement can be sent. Speaking from experience this is best coming from a third party person…a husband offering the…and I quote “don’t you need to be working out”, in a very supportive way, doesn’t always have the same affect…trust me, or you can ask my husband. If you check out the site and think, that you would rather go for a run or hike or some other kind of physical activity, please still log your daily workout, and get connected…us moms need to feel connected.

So get your journal book to record your times and numbers…because you’ll want to refer back and see how much you’ve improved over time and then you can set out to beat YOUR personal best.

Here is a link for a free online interval timer that you can use for the workouts.
Remember to always do a warm-up and stretch and a cool-down and stretch for each workout…the Bodyrock site has an example of those posted as well.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Swimming In My Own Sweat Workout

Well that's the truth...BURPEE'S are a Kick A@$ workout, and yes Steve and I were swimming in puddles of exhaustion and sweat. I did this workout a few weeks ago when the reps were going the other way and I thought just maybe it would be easier when you start at the larger reps and work your way down...and it was a little.. for this workout it took me 25:01 using full form and for the swings I used "Cargo" at 20lbs. Steve's time was 26:58 with some improvising on the burpees and 30 lbs kettlebell for the swings. On the last few sets he did 4 walkout burpees and then pushups from his knees, but he finished. This one's definitely a mind thing because it seems to go on and on. Remember to press on :) or should I say Burpee on....


  1. I am doing so bad at this! I am the worst at commitment i want to but i can't get it in my head. Justin said he will try do it with me but when!!! I am not a morning person and by the time i get the kids in bed i just want to sit on the couch! HELP!!!

  2. This was so hard...and so gratifying to finish. I did mine in 31:43. As for the burpees...I did the first 4 sets full form, then my left shoulder and upper traps started to give out so I did some full form, some from my knees...then I started feeling like I was getting a sports hernia in my abs from the full form burpees at about 13 so I ended the last two sets strong from my knees! OMG! Jody did all sets full form in 29:32. He's not talking to me now.

  3. Definitely was better than the last time i did a burpee work out where I contemplated calling ralph on the big white phone...

  4. Wow that was brutal!!! Had to turn the dehumidifier on to clean up our sweat!!! Gross!

    Julie: 27:58 - burpee push-ups on knees, 20lb dumbell

    Craig: 27:50 - Full form, 20lb dumbell

    We didn't try our new weights; need to get some sand to fill them.
